[wp-forums] Forums heat map

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Thu Sep 28 13:56:43 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
> On 9/27/06, Lara @ Anubis Marketing <lara at anubismarketing.com> wrote:
> I do, however think they should be arranged by related-ness as opposed 
> to alphabetically and by size.

I have a problem with the php in a plugin widget which shows latest comments
in my theme sidebar. Relate that?

Alpha order
Most topics > Least topics

How can you argue the pedantics of a 'relatedness'? It's not a family tree.


If you want to quote me to rip apart my ideas, please quote me entirely. I
also said, " How that would be laid out exactly, I'm not sure. But I do
think tags are a good thing."
I don't know how to argue the pedantic of it. I know it's not a family tree.
All I did was suggest that somehow that be done if it could be. I didn't
assume there was a solution to do it, and I also wasn't the first person to
suggest it.

"I'm not opposed to making the tags more prominent, but I wonder if they
could be made more useful.
Let's say you're a user having trouble with the sidebar.  You click the
"sidebar" tag . . . and now you're looking at the latest "sidebar"
posts, with headings like "Sidebar News Blog" and "Widget to register for
site." The odds that your specific problem will appear there seem slim.
So why not have a feature like that at http://del.icio.us, where you can add
related tags to the one you've already clicked?  Then you can drill down to
something like "sidebar + align + CSS" and get posts actually related to
what you want." 

That wasn't sent here by me. I was agreeing with this person (Austin) that
the thought was a good one.

~ Lara

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