[wp-forums] Forums heat map

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Sep 28 13:34:10 GMT 2006

Handy wrote:

> Recall how they ended up on the side?
> As I recall (and my memory sucks, so bear with me), Kaf came up with a
> custom stylesheet that he offered to volunteers.   Maybe 5 months ago?  6?
> Along with changing colors, it moved some things around. I think (?) that's
> when the tags became a sidebar thing.  The only part I truly recall is just
> a day after I made the change with my browser to use Kaf's stuff, his style
> became the forum's style.
> Who remembers that differently?  Am I close?

Kaf did, yes.
The debate then was that the tags "got in the way" and that users had to
scroll to the Latest Discussions. That may well have been a valid view
at that time with no other information. It was presumed that users did
not know how to use tags
But the wp.com evidence says otherwise.
Tags need prominence to work.
Otherwise like I said, the rest all has to go.


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