[wp-forums] Forums heat map

Craig nuclearmoose at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 12:59:02 GMT 2006

On the subject of tags, I noticed something that I found interesting; some
of the more prominent tags (i.e. "bigger" tags) weren't necessarily the ones
that people clicked on. Not sure what that means, but it does suggest
something to me -- size doesn't matter! In other words, a tag cloud that is
nicely laid out and allows for quick and easy scanning of tags would be as

Grouping (graphically) tags alphabetically would likely work for most people
because it seems that they are scanning the tag list on that basis rather
than what is most often discussed. BTW, I'm aware that the tags are shown in
alphabetical order now, but I'm talking about something that is a bit more

I agree with Podz that .com and .org should share be as similar as possible
with the prominence of the tags. The two sites share most of the same
styling, so why not go all the way and share the 90% of common stuff rather
than building two completely distinct looks?


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