[wp-forums] Forums heat map

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 00:51:24 GMT 2006

On 9/27/06, Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
> Handy wrote:
> > Wonder if that would change if it didn't have that big honking [closed]
> in
> > front of it?  Maybe that scares 'em off?
> I think that's missing the point. As we said before, when people click
> "support" they don't want forum rules, they want help. They want to know
> how to install, tweak, fix their WP.

Sorry.  I always have this weird urge to contribute ideas.  After over 30
years in the work force you'd think it would've been beaten out of me by
now.  <grin>  I'm probably not the only one in the world who looks for forum
rules before posting, but I'll concede that I'm definitely in the minority.

In the strictly-for-what-it's-worth-category, I'd rather not see the tag
cloud up there in its stead.  But that's just an opinion.

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