[wp-forums] Forums heat map

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Wed Sep 27 23:33:03 GMT 2006

Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
> Here's the crazy egg run on the forums:
> http://photomatt.net/2006/09/27/crazyegging/
> Almost *no one* clicks the read me first forum rules. I think we need to
put something else in that space.

Handy wrote:
>Wonder if that would change if it didn't have that big honking [closed] in
front of it?  Maybe that scares 'em off?
>Nobody seems to click on Latest Posts either.  That surprised me a bit.
I'm not surprised at all. I knew that the only people who really used the
Latest Posts was the volunteers/mods. 
I'm also apt to agree that the "big honking [closed]" is an issue with
people not clicking on the rules. Why can't we just have a regular, old
fashioned, text-link there, that points to the forum thread (if we can't get
rid of the "big honking [closed]" for some reason)?

I like the first thought about just having the thread name be the link, and
then in much smaller, non-linked letters AFTER the title, have it say
(closed to new replies) or something like that.
[closed] looks so much like a "stamp" or something - I dunno... like some
forum Nazi came along and deemed it unworthy or something. ;)

(FWIW - I like the phrase "big honking [closed]" - can ya tell?) ;)

~ Lara

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