[wp-forums] username

Phu wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 18:19:42 GMT 2006

LOL Shelly:)

On 9/25/06, Shelly <foolish.visions at gmail.com> wrote:
>  >>While that was NOT the intent several decades ago when it became my
> BBS nym, that has indeed been pointed out to me once or twice a year
> ever since.  :-P <<
> Hey Handy - if ever you *do* want to pass along that intent, here's a
> name I forgot to mention in my last email...
> I swear to you all, what I am about to say is *not* a lie.
> My best friend was an army brat.  She moved around a lot as a kid before
> finally settling down back home (in my area) when she hit 16.  She
> showed me a yearbook of hers from a grade school in Arizona.  This is
> absolutely no lie whatsoever, I'm telling you the God's-honest truth.
> She went to school with a kid named "Jack Meoff".
> Man, he has some *mean* parents. (Or ones with a *really* good sense of
> humor.  I can't decide.)
> But that would be some "offensive" handle, now wouldn't it?  But it's
> the poor kid's name.
> Just thought I'd share :)
> ~Shelly

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