[wp-forums] On Closing Threads and Legacy Version Support

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 20:58:10 GMT 2006

On 9/21/06, Craig <nuclearmoose at gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting discussions around closing threads. I like the idea that a
> post
> that is X days or Y weeks or Z months old could be closed automatically. I
> recall occasions when seriously old threads wound up getting bumped to the
> latest discussions, thereby knocking a current issue off the list, and
> this
> is not good.
> In thinking about closing a thread as soon as it's flagged as resolved,
> I'm
> not sure I like that. First of all, if someone tries the solution offered,
> but it doesn't work, then a whole new thread needs to be started. If
> someone
> finds an alternate solution and comes back to share, they find the thread
> closed. Then what are they supposed to do? It would feel, to me, that I
> just
> had the door slammed in my face...here I am trying to help, I find a way,
> but I can't report it without creating a new thread. If I create a new
> thread, do I mark it as resolved right away? If so, it obviously gets
> closed
> to any other caveats that might be raised by my proposed fix, or, indeed,
> additions or suggestions to my work.

Agreed.  That's why I sent my message yesterday suggesting that was not one
of my brighter proposals ever.  ;-)

This is why I don't support the idea of closing threads simply because they
> are resolved. Impose a temporal restriction on posting, but don't
> automatically close on resolution.

*nod*  yep

As a tangent, based on Lloyd's suggestion about a WP Environment field, that
> would surely make future searching better so a person could filter results
> by WP version. As well, I'm wondering about support for older versions of
> WP. Many companies abandon support for very old versions of their software
> -
> would there be a chance that the forums be restricted in this way?


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