[wp-forums] WordPress Nightlies

Lloyd D Budd lloydomattic at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 18:58:03 GMT 2006

On 9/20/06, Craig <nuclearmoose at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/19/06, Lloyd D Budd <lloydomattic at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Would wordpress.org/support benefit from an "Wordpress Environment"
> > field on submitting a new post?
> Not sure what you mean, Lloyd, by "WordPress Environment".

It is a bit tangent from me checking to see if nightlies are currently
causing problems on the forums.

By explicitly including a field for environment information, you are
less likely to have to ask in the first reply what version someone is
running or have to go to their site to check the source code.

Support organizations consistently find "guided" reporting greatly
increases quality of reports.

> As far as support for nightly/svn builds, that is something that long ago
> created huge nightmares for support.
> Alpha/Beta/RC1 runners belong in wp-testers list.

Agreed. I was checking in as the location is easily found with a web
search. If it is not currently an issue, that is fantastic.

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