[wp-forums] Changes 9/20

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 13:51:04 GMT 2006

Holy cow!

On 9/20/06, Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
> * Read me first super-sticky section


* Big search box, keyed to forums-only

Angles shout.   Trumpets blare.  Love it!

* Forums box on top

As a volunteer, more scrolling.   As a user looking for  topics, I think
it'll be priceless.

* Start new topic link

Noticed these the other day.  I like.  Might consider a bit more of a "stand
out" styling?

In my opinion, "[closed] Forum Rules" isn't a particularly friendly
> (maybe useful) thing to see front and center when you click on "support".

What if [closed] was moved to after the Thread Title?

I liked the notion (from Craig?) of defaulting the search box (instead of
"Post") to either blank or "Enter your search terms here."

Big changes.  Thank you.

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