[wp-forums] Akismet

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Wed Sep 20 13:16:14 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:

> We have a hard enough time with mods being able to get around and help 
> people and keep things orderly - doesn't this whole thing take away 
> valuable time from them?

We do? How?


Well, the fact that non-mods have always used the modlook tag and this list
to report things they find before mods happen to be able to get around to
them would be one indicator of that, plus the fact that even mods come here
to report things that need to be done, which they don't have the authority
to do.

I'll not get into the topic of whether or not we need more mods - I do think
that the current mods are doing a fantastic job. But considering the fact
that this list has been needed to get things done, why make mods have to
sort through a spam filter, where according to what's been reported by a few
mods, more than half of the posts there are valid?

When was the akismet spam thing enabled? Was is just as recently as it'd
been brought to this list? Because that was only about a week ago (if that),
and prior to that, I didn't see any problems with spam that weren't being
handled properly already (via the modlook and spam tags and this list).
Looking at the numbers, comparing the number of list mails to what's been
said is in the akismet spam list - the akismet spam list is consuming much
more than this email list ever did.

The other part of my comment about this is because I'm looking at this as a
user of course - and I tend to think that were I a user who had no idea that
this was being implemented (and who would, if they weren't on this list?),
having my comments not appear would encourage me to either post it again
(and again?) or just leave and not come back. No one out there has any idea
that this is being used... so when they post and aren't even told that their
comment is in moderation for one reason or another, they're going to do it
again or leave.

~ Lara

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