[wp-forums] The "Changes" - PT2 - Let's get this together..

Michael E. Hancock mhancock at us.net
Sat Sep 16 21:17:54 GMT 2006

From: "Podz" <podz at tamba2.org.uk>
> Michael E. Hancock wrote:
> > Since it seems there is only one way for our version of bbpress to
> > feedback, why not put a sticky thread up so users of the forum can
> > "How would you improve the forums?"
> phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB
> phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB phpBB
> There you go :)

I hear you there Podz, but we should ask anyway, then stand back and listen.


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