[wp-forums] The "Changes" - PT2 - Let's get this together..

Craig nuclearmoose at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 12:54:23 GMT 2006

First of all, this whole discussion is REALLY hard to follow. How about
using the Democracy plugin on a special blog made just for this kind of
thing (off of the WP.org Mother ship)? I've added my voice where I feel
appropriate to do so. It would be easier, as well, to have a specific "post"
for each item so that the discussions stay focus and are easily followed and
understood. Frankly, I simply stopped trying to sort out what everyone was
talking about and decided just to vote and not bother joining the
discussion. I have opinions and reasons for the way I voted, but they will
be lost in the cacophony of all the other replies.

-1 for using the mailing list as the tool for doing this. The list should
have been notified on where to go and vote and discuss this in a more
appropriate forum. Perhaps this is something that needs to be developed as

On 9/15/06, spencer <spencerp1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> - Forum structure
> [+1] - Move the list of specific forums above the recent posts.
> [-1] - Move/Remove/Replace the Latest Discussions section off
> the forums index page, with the actual forums themselves.
> [+1] - Fix the search on the Forums and Codex, for each search,
> to search each section specifically.
> [0] - Removing the Beta forum.
> [+1] - Fix the pagination issues/problems!
> [+1/0] - Make a good FAQ/Forums Rules, get a team together on
> this, and make it happen!
> [0] - Make a drop down menu type deal for the "Tags".
> [-1] - Make posting code and links easier for less technical
> users. Use the wordpress.pastebin.ca for people to paste codes, then post
> back the URL to it. Also, fix the bugs for placing links in the forums!
> [-----------1] - "When a thread gets marked as Resolved, close it too.
> If folks want to dredge up golden-oldies, let 'em refer to it by link.
> After 50 or more posts the topic has often drifted all over hell and
> back."

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