[wp-forums] The "Changes" - PT2 - Let's get this together..

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Sat Sep 16 00:26:34 GMT 2006

spencer wrote:
> Ok, I was asked by Podz to do this up, and we need to keep things 
> going on this, and get everyone's yay's or nay's to keep this going 
> productively. Under each topic below, will be listed in brief, of the 
> suggestions made by the many, from before.
> Please place your votes beside each of the below topic's, suggestion 
> that you think will be the best.
> +1 for yay   /  - 1 for nay
> - Forum structure
> [-1] - Move the list of specific forums above the recent posts.
>    As it stands, I don't think people will ever read the sticky if it 
> moves furter down the page.
>   ( And it seems that I don't get the colorful forum rules banner, I'd 
> like to see replacing the ugly sticky )
> [+1] - Move/Remove/Replace the Latest Discussions section off the 
> forums index page, with the actual forums themselves.
>    Only helpers have an interest in this. If you have a special 
> problem to solve, you'll not find the solution here.
>    If Latest discussion goes away from the main support page, the 
> "Move list ..." above will get a +1 too
> [+1] - Fix the search on the Forums and Codex, for each search, to 
> search each section specifically.
>     This just might give the search any value at all. Search result 
> pages could have a lesser default font ;)
> [+1] - Removing the Beta forum.
> [+1] - Fix the pagination issues/problems!
    Every time!! ( How many no-replies get lost? )
> [place vote here] - Make a good FAQ/Forums Rules, get a team together 
> on this, and make it happen!
> [-1] - Make a drop down menu type deal for the "Tags".
    Are tags really useful? I'm hestiant, but at least the cloud is visible.
> [+1] - Make posting code and links easier for less technical users. 
> Use the wordpress.pastebin.ca for people to paste codes, then post 
> back the URL to it. Also, fix the bugs for placing links in the forums!
    As it stands, people have a hard time pasint in snippets.
    It also should be easy to find and handle the pastebin
> [+1] - "When a thread gets marked as Resolved, close it too. If folks 
> want to dredge up golden-oldies, let 'em refer to it by link. After 50 
> or more posts the topic has often drifted all over hell and back."
> - Moderation
> There wasn't anything covered on this, so..unless someone wants to 
> bring something up, this is a dead thread?
> - Rules
> No rule changes where suggested really, so..unless someone wants to 
> bring something up, this is a dead thread?
Rules are fine as they are expressed in the sticky, but as I said on a 
few occasions, I'd like the entrance to the forum rules
to be a bit "fancy", like a banner, so newcomers will be tempted to read 


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