[wp-forums] tags moderation

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 19:29:40 GMT 2006

>I made a habit to edit/delete the tags attached to topics, especially when 
>the not-so-bright users copy/paste their title there, like:
> what
> to
> do
> to
> delete
> a
> post
> from
> my
> blog
> ?
> In the last couple of days when clicking on (x) to delete these, I got a 
> "Processing data..." messages that stays there for ever and the tags don't 
> get deleted.
> Anyone else experiencing this?
> m.

Yeah, the same thing happens to me, but.. I just refresh the page even if 
it's still saying that.. and then the tags aren't there anymore. =P

Also, editing/deleting tags as you pointed out above isn't bad.. I do it all 
the time if I see them placed like that.. then I just add tags that I think 
is the most appropriate.  Same goes for titles like this: I HAVE A BIG 
PROBLEM!!!  I edit it down to something like this maybe: I Have A Big 

Lengthy titles, I shorten them down too.. =P I hope this isn't bad per se.. 
just trying to keep the good forum ethics there.. ;)=P


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