[wp-forums] Forums updated = Borky Updated

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 19:27:18 GMT 2006

> A link will not get linked if it's the very first thing.  It's a  subtle 
> bug, I'm working on the best solution now.

Oh ok, thanks for pointing that out. ;) =)

>> 2) The # link on a reply in the forums, are borked, the URL is 
>> incomplete..and gives a WRONG URL for the thread itself! As you can  see 
>> here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/86687?replies=13
> Fixed, will be pushed live soon.

Sweet!! Thanks Michael. =)

>> 3) In the forums Admin section, that "bb_get_user needs a numeric   ID" 
>> error is still around..)
> I'm a little stumped here.  I can't duplicate the error on my site. Will 
> continue to look into it.

Like Handy said, it might be a permissions thing.. cause Handy and I are 
both seeing that same error. =/  Not sure about the other mods though.. ?

> Sorry for the brief explanation last night.
> Any one who can edit users can edit a user's profile and mark them as  a 
> bozo.  From that point on, their posts will be invisible to anyone  but 
> themselves (and mods who care to look).

Oh ok, so that leaves out us "normal mods" then sigh.. Oh well.. =)

>Additionally, posts can be marked as spam.  This has a >similar effect  but 
>applies on a thread by thread basis.  If a >post in topic X is  marked as 
>spam, that user's posts *in that >topic* will from then on  be invisible to 

Oh ok..thanks for clarifying this. Sweet!

>Bozos con be checked in the admin, as can Spam posts.

Also nice.. Thanks Michael for the "fill in", of all this. =)


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