[wp-forums] Forums updated

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 03:15:16 GMT 2006

> On 9/10/06, Michael D Adams <mikea at turbonet.com> wrote:
>> The support forums have been updated to the latest bbPress code.
>> New stuff:
>> Can make a user a "bozo".  Only he will be able to see the stuff he 
>> posts.  No others will be distracted by it (except mods if they choose).
> Hey - more on this "bozo" thing?   Is this just for the uber-ops, or can 
> common "Moderators" do that too?
> I see where to find the list of them under the Admin -> Users >area (say, 
> all the other lists say "bb_get_user needs a >numeric ID") for what that's 
> worth.

Thanks Michael.. =)  As Handy said though, that bb_get_user  error is still 
around, also.. all links made in the forums, become text..? =(

I know this must have something to do with the previous PR prevention 
stuff.. from before.. but, sure would be nice to get the links working 
again, atleast like before.. =)  Stumped on the "bozo" deal just as Handy.. 
is the SPAM link on the forum replies for this? Or does that delete/tag 
replies, as spam? Just was curious.. =)


P.S. Not seeing the:  "Are you sure you want to ...?". Which is a good 
thing! =)

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