[wp-forums] Pasting Code

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 20:35:14 GMT 2006

> What keys on your board make this:
> :0P~
> ?? huh ??
> ;)
> Not drunk... Very very tired.

Haha.. Hey now.. what's with the pick on spence for being tired stuff..? 
LOL! =)  I know.. I do need to take care of myself a little better..sigh. 
I'll be heading to bed here, soon though.. ;)  Been up since yesterday 
morning around 5am.. didn't sleep yet.. =P

>Yes, 4 is $ and 7 is &
> they're both "S" shaped... one in one direction, one in the >other. both 
> have a line through them.

Yeah.. Me knows.. Me was just picking.. =P

>gimme a break, I'm heavily medicated. LOL

Ah ok, Well.. I'm tired.. and you're heavily medicated.. so, we'll just have 
to give each other a little break then I suppose LOL!

>As far as backticks - is it possible to have all of the above (or >in this 
>case, below) work for posting code? <code></code> >(or [code][/code]) AND 

That's one for the bbpress professionals to handle I suppose.. hahaha.. =P


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