[wp-forums] Pasting Code

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 20:10:54 GMT 2006

> On my (American) keyboard:
> 4 is $
> 7 is $

Hmm, we both have American keyboards, one just might be a little tipsy.. 
cause on mine, the 4 is $  and the 7 is & .. =P I know what ya meant 
though.. me just picking... =P

>I also have to say, that for some strange reason, I was using the single 
>quote the first time I tried to post code... 'codecodecode' when it 
>should've been `codecodecode` - and this is something I've seen a LOT of 
>people do.

Hehe, I've done that before.. but, we all learn from the mistakes and 
improve.. so it's all good, even the nOObs will get it ...eventually.. 
maybe.. hopefully.. I dunno... =P

>Placing my +1 for changing it to <code></code> or [code][/code] if at all 

I'm kind of for this too, but.. kind of not.. for the "lazy".. it's SO much 
easier to just push out two `` then it is to do: [code] and [/code].. or 
<code> </code>.. but, if this were to possibly change in the future.. I can 
just imagine how much more stuff will be screwy.. because most have 
kinda/basically gotten it drilled into "them" to use the backticks.. ``... I 
dunno though.. just was spittin out my thoughts..


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