[wp-forums] Pasting Code

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 02:57:26 GMT 2006

On my generic keyboard, the backtick (`) is to the left of the 1 key.
Shifted it is a tilde (~)

On 9/8/06, Shelly <foolish.visions at gmail.com> wrote:
> Although I'm a newbie here, I'm all for the pastebin thing.
> I *did* want to say though, someone mentioned the issue of code getting
> screwed up - I may chime in on that.
> When you create a post, it says at the bottom to use backticks around
> the code in question so that it is shown as plain text instead of parsed
> by the browser.  Quite frankly, I have absolutely *no clue* what creates
> a backtick.  Every time I post code, I just highlight the example
> backtick, copy it, and paste it before and after my code examples.
> It's obvious that many on the boards have no idea how to do it either
> (I've seen several actually ask how to do it, but have never seen a
> reply), and aren't as clever as I am in thinking to copy/paste the one
> that is there (oh yes.  I'm soooo clever. LOL)  I remember the very
> first time I posted on the forums, I thought the single quote was a
> backtick.  When it didn't work, I hurriedly changed my post so that it
> wouldn't screw things up (not only am I clever, but I am thoughtful too.
>   Aren't I great?) - but to this day the only way I can put backticks on
> is by copy/pasting them.  I still can't figure out how to just *make*
> them.
> So there - a representative for the general (stupidy of the) public
> steps in and makes our scary admission - we don't know how to backtick.
> So, perhaps if that were a *little* bit clearer, there might be less of
> a problem with messed up code being put in?  Just a thought! :)
> ~Shelly
> (who has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor)
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