[wp-forums] Pasting Code

Austin Matzko if.website at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 01:57:50 GMT 2006

On 9/8/06, Michael B <miklb.online at gmail.com> wrote:
> We could have wordpress.pastebin.ca and encourage all code pasted there.
> Looking at their features, the code is permanently archived, unless the user
> sets a time frame for the code.

I'm concerned that in our zeal to clean up the appearance of the
forums, we're going to hurt those who would otherwise find helpful
code snippets in the future.  The odds are probably not that good that
whatever external pastebin site will maintain links and/or still be
around as long as the WordPress support forums.

As far as server space goes, code is cheap--it's just text.  How about
using CSS (and perhaps JavaScript for IE support) to give <code>
blocks a maximum height, beyond which scroll bars appear?  That way
those who are offended by code won't have to see it, and those who
find it helpful can scroll to get what they want.

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