[wp-forums] Trying to summarise - tags

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Fri Sep 8 17:29:53 GMT 2006

Anyone can add tags, and I find myself doing that quite a bit when someone
has either not added them, or if I think of one that might be more relevant
than the ones they've added.
One of the issues with adding tags when initially posting, is the way the
tags appear later on. If a phrase is used, "search engine optimization" for
example, in a format like this:

SEO, search engine optimization, marketing

The tags wind up being like this:

All separated like that... is there a way to make it just take whatever's
between commas and put it as ONE tag? Quite often that's what I wind up
doing, is adding the tags the OP MEANT to use...

That said, my vote is for keeping the tag cloud right where it is. I use it
a LOT myself, and I'm sure others do as well. And yes, it's very "2.0" ish.

~ Lara

-----Original Message-----
Dyslexics, Untie!   ;-)

The tag cloud is interesting.  I never really use it, but I *do* find myself
adding tags more often to other people's posts, then clicking the tag I just
added to find related posts.  THAT has become very useful to me.

Can anyone add tags to other peoples' posts, or only mods?  If anyone, we
could encourage all helpers to help tag.  For instance, adding "bluehost"
other host names is sometimes an interesting tag.  No need to be militant,
but it does help (imho).

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