[wp-forums] removing traces...

Vkaryl vkaryl at bytehaven.com
Fri Sep 8 02:21:20 GMT 2006

Um.  I don't see anything wrong with removing client links.  I don't see
anything wrong, f'rinstance, in removing whoo's "temp" links so they
don't get spidered.  And this particular thing is due to a client not
being happy that the dev posted a direct link.

What's the problem?  The topic is still there etc.  Just the specifics
were removed for privacy for the client.


On 9/7/2006 8:10:57 PM, Moshu (moshu at transycan.net) wrote:
> I don't remember we ever did something like this before (even if it
> has been asked)
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/86398
> Is this now the new "policy"?
> m.
> (just wondering)
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