[wp-forums] Trying to summarise

Austin Matzko if.website at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 20:55:00 GMT 2006

On 9/7/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> I really do think that any positive contributions from anyone lurking
> here would be welcomed. There can be a tendency for those involved to
> fail to see the wood for the trees (so to speak) so if you do think the
> forums should change do say :)

I'm a lurker, a forum participant, and I hope this is a positive
contribution: I would like to see the long-running forum problems,
such as pagination and search, fixed.  (By fixing search I mean that
by default it will return results from the forums, when you've
initiated a search in the forums).

The former would make life easier for those of us trying to help; the
latter would make life easier for those seeking help.


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