[wp-forums] Trying to summarise

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Thu Sep 7 18:26:53 GMT 2006

What about the few people who mentioned either taking the latest posts
section off, or moving it below the list of forum topics (reversing
placement of the two)?
Also, I seem to remember mentions of the sidebar, and the pagination issues
as well.

Several people mentioned the search box, suggesting that it default to
searching the forums instead of "documentation", or giving the checkbox
options prior to the initial clicking of the "Search" button. This would be
best implemented, IMO, if it would simply default to searching wherever it
was placed. For example, someone searches from inside the "support" tab, and
it defaults to the forum results. However should they search from "docs",
then it would default to codex, et al. results. I could be very very very
wrong, but this doesn't seem like a difficult implementation for you PHP
whiz types. ;)

I agree that anyone lurking should share their thoughts on things like
this... it's the only way to ensure that every idea is touched upon (even if
some don't agree with you, or even if you agree with an idea that appears to
be disagreed with - votes count!)

Better to say what you think now, and debate it thoroughly within the group,
than to not say anything and later on wish you had. Just MHO again, as
usual. ;)


-----Original Message-----
Trying to summarise the recent things about forum changes so we can say the
matter has been sorted (for now).

- Forum structure
Apart from one suggestion for a spin-off  HTML type forum I don't recall
any other for adding a forum There was a suggestion we lose the Beta forum

- Moderation
There was nothing raised here particularly was there?

- Rules
No changes were suggested ?
Should they be?

- FAQs
Per forum were suggested
Links to codex need to happen

Now I think that's it in a nutshell..or did I miss something?

I really do think that any positive contributions from anyone lurking here
would be welcomed. There can be a tendency for those involved to fail to see
the wood for the trees (so to speak) so if you do think the forums should
change do say :)


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