[wp-forums] Changing things

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Sun Sep 3 08:28:22 GMT 2006

Please!! I've said at least once before that the present layout is
uninviting and confusing to people seeing it for the first time. It's still
not at all obvious how to start a new post, which accounts for at least some
of the questions being tagged on to any available thread. If the first thing
people see is a list of forums rather than a seemingly random list of posts,
more of them might (1) go into the most appropriate forum and (2) look for
related questions in that forum rather than asking a question that last came
up two hours ago but has dropped off the "Latest Discussions" list.

Nested forums would be good too. If bbPress doesn't do that currently, I'm
sure it can be gently persuaded to.


Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Losing it[1] - http://lcb.me.uk/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com 
> [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Handy
> Sent: 03 September 2006 01:14
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Changing things
> So is this a weird compromise?
> Stop showing a blend of all posts from all Forums on the main 
> Support page.
> Go back to a more "traditional" forum look.  A mixed 
> blessing, but helps
> focus posts to Forums, right?  And helps focus volunteers 
> into areas they
> want to be working with.
> Add/Expand Forum (Fora?) for the Style/Theme/Xhtml/CSS topics 
> if so desired.
> (hey, can we nest Forums?).  Mods can move topics from forum 
> to forum so
> that helps keep things organized.  And if I don't want to see 
> questions, I just don't go into that forum.

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