[wp-forums] Changing things

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Sat Sep 2 13:54:40 GMT 2006

>  - I still think we need to add a "General HTML/CSS Help" thread in 
> the forum.

I don't simply because we are a WP forum about WP issues and we cannot
afford to further dilute what we have.
There are a zillion other sites for people to get that information - and
just because they may have to wait at those sites does not mean we should
fill a gap.


Okay, but people come here and ask those questions anyway. And by treating
it like "they may or may not get answered" - they're still waiting, only now
they're pissed off at "us" because they almost always think that their
question relates only to wordpress (even though the rest of us know it
doesn't). I've seen people all too often say "do a Google search on CSS
help, this forum is for wordpress specific help only" - which serves only to
frustrate the person further, and alienate "newbies" entirely. I'm not
talking about telling people how to build a site in HTML - but only as it
relates to wordpress.

I'm also not talking about adding 20 additional topics - just one, because
that's the one where people never know where to post, and rarely get help.
And again, because that's a way to give others a chance to help where they
can, due to their previous design knowledge. That's all... I know I'm not
the only person who thinks we should have this... it's been said many times

~ Lara

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