[wp-forums] Changing things

febwa1976 at gmail.com febwa1976 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 10:14:26 GMT 2006

It appears as if there is a lot of stuff on FAQ in several places



Being largely technically incompetent I cannot say whether these are "good"
or not.

If they were good it should be relatively easy to move each appropriate FAQ
into the approriate forum.

As a start I would suggest that no more than 10 FAQ is provided per forum
otherwise neewbies and others just get confused at best and lazy at worst.

The vote for the top 10 FAQ per forum should come from the experts like many
on this list. We could ask the this list (or others) for their 10 most FAQ
per forum - hopefully get consensus on each, validate that we have correct
answers and then post in each forum.

To the degree I can help just let me know.


On 9/2/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> Let's try and make something more concrete.
> I proposed last month that the structure of the forums could be changed:
> http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-forums/2006-August/003004.html
> Nothing came of that so I take that as being that overall we are
> generally happy with how things are in that respect.
> If you think different, what should we do and why?
> febwa1976 made a useful suggestion:
> http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-forums/2006-August/003138.html
> So how about an FAQ per forum? An FAQ and Resources per forum?
> Who wants to get the ball rolling and start to write one?
> That way we avoid major structural changes but we do address some
> problems.
> Mods can move posts that are not directly WP to the Misc. forum
> We can also state - in the rules? - that non-wp questions may well not
> be answered because our priorities are with wp users. That's not to say
> they cannot be answered, just that for forum regulars those questions
> will be at the bottom of the list.
> What about a link to install4free?
> Search. A topic all of it's own :)
> Documentation. Like with search.
> --
> For me it comes down to this:
> - how can we improve the running of the forum?
> - how can we improve information for new users in the forum?
> and then, when we have our house in order, we can look at the other
> issues. Right now there are issues we can get sorted and it's not fair
> we point outside of our influence when we need to tidy things up..
> If the forum were new, and the forum names were set what would we do
> different?
> P.
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