[wp-forums] Inregards to Install4free..

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 09:07:50 GMT 2006

I'm planning on doing up a rough draft email here soon. This email will 
basically be, the "base" for this whole plan/idea.

Here below is the idea/plan...

1) Make up an email, that "we" would send to collect the testimonials. 
(Note: Have in there, for them to include the installer's name specifically, 
and the install4free service) -This way, the installer and service would be 
respectively noticed/praised.

2) Gather the email addresses, and username's,  of those, that "we've" done 
successful installs for already, or have helped through Install4free. (Last 
part pertains to me!)

3) Send the emails out to the people, sit back and wait for their replies. 

4) Create the Testimonial page itself, using what they have submitted as a 
"testimonial". =) ;)

(Another note:  After more installs have been completed, by other various 
Installers. Resend that email, gathering testimonials for those other 
installers as well. Then just re-edit/add those testimonials the testimonial 
page accordingly.)

I know I basically have a  Testimonial WordPress Support forum thread, going 
already.. but, this is so those that have already done installations, will 
be recognized, and the install4free service itself, will be recognized right 
on the Install4free site.

Rather then having things scattered about some where else. Anyway, does this 
sound good to you all? Anyone want to share their two cents, possibly offer 
their help? I already asked Handy via Live Messenger, and he is planning on 
helping with the email..so, anyone else maybe?

Any suggestions, opinions, help, and so forth, will always be accepted and 
appreciated. =)


> Great idea, Spence!
> V
> On 8/6/2006 9:11:55 PM, spencerp (spencerp1 at gmail.com) wrote:
>> I want to ask this on the wp-forums list, besides just the wp-install 
>> list.
>> .
>> to get even more feedback, suggestions, opinions and so forth. And, to
>> also
>> make it more of a "community" discussion, rather then just amongst the
>> Install4free installers.
>> Here's what I was thinking of, since the Install4free launched on July, 
>> 12,
>> 2006,  "we've" had numerous installation requests, which I think the end
>> result of the installations are going great!
>> While communication between the "installers", and the "clients", are 
>> pretty
>> good as well, I've received a few wonderful replies back from the 
>> clients.
>> My question is this, what do you all think of maybe starting a 
>> Testimonial
>> page, containing a few nice words from the "clients", after their
>> installation was completed? Of course, maybe just keep their names 
>> limited
>> to *only* first names, or whatever..
>> IMHO, I think this would help the Install4free project out, as a self
>> promotional option. ;)  Also, with all those "negative" replies to the 
>> first
>> initial forum thread, I think this will help "us", as the Install4free
>> project, even more.. =)
>> Of course, this idea, suggestion, and opinion's fate, are held in t
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