[wp-forums] Managing the no-replies

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 28 06:27:47 GMT 2006

>Lacking some powerful mods tools are we ;)
>Sorry, no laughing stuff.

Hahaha.. Yeah-ish and no-ish lol. The ability to delete is still there, just.. sucks though.. Having to click the YES for deleting something.. sigh. Just means we'll have to work with one more thing to over come first! But, once ya get used it, you can STILL work quite quickly though.. LOL! 

>Someone should care for mods too.

+1 for that! =P 

>They are the heroes of any well functioning forum,

Amen brother Petit, Amen! Preach it my brother! 

>and the WP support forum is the best I've seen ;)

Hell yeah it is!!! 
>A tulip to the mods! Each !

Thank ya my brother Petit.. Thank ya! =)


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