[wp-forums] Managing the no-replies

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 12:10:51 GMT 2006

> For the no-replies thing, which I started, it's no big deal.
> o We could leave it where it stands, as no OP will page through 
> no-replies for an answer.
> o Or we could move old ones to a new tag, e.g. "orphanes" ;)
> o Or we could decide to archive and kill no-replies older than xx years 
> or months.
> Possible rationals for the last action:
> Some old entries are obsolete, as they applies to older versions of WP
> Looking at heaps of no-replies may give the wrong impression of the 
> effectiveness of the forum.
> /Petit
> PS I hope to be back in the forum when Life allows

Well.. I have added this to the Miscellaneous forum about a week ago..as a *cough* sticky.. so it wouldn't be lost amongst other threads..

In hopes that maybe things would go on a roll with the "no-replies".. however.. that's in the Miscellaneous forum, where not much attention is given.. ;) =) 

I'd say, delete the ones from 2 years, to older.. unless they contain useful links, or whatever.. That's why I was kind of bumping them outta the "no-replies" section.. and closing them, to keep people from posting replies to older stuff.. especially when the links there, are sometimes not even related to the O.P. of that thread.. 

The ones from 1 year and down.. not too sure about.. but, the ones like this:

Should go bye bye.. I'm using that one as an example.. that's why I didn't delete it lol. ;) =)

Ones like this one here, where I said before.. shows moshu as the last poster.. but, no moshu's reply in it lol!

You can see that thread, second up from bottom here:

Ones like this one here, should go bye bye also:

Someone replying to the O.P. but of course the O.P.'s post isn't there.. =P

I just checked.. and the 2 year old ones, start on page:
up to page 348....

Now, figuring.. delete alot of those "not so helpful" ones, as examples mentioned above.. and or.. get the "useful" ones outta there.. same as from the 1 year old ones too..

As for the under the year ones.. when the pagination was broken over there... I was figuring.. atleast try to tack on some type of useful answer maybe..? I dunno though.. any thoughts?


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