[wp-forums] Re: bumping threads with an attitude..

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 09:47:00 GMT 2006

Yeah, I know.. I'm not one to talk.. but.. but.. I dunno, was just pointing out about the normal forum members.. that, ARE NOT getting their answers, as fast as they think they should be getting them.. =P

Aight, I think I'm done now..  Time to get back to not doing anything...hahaha. I'll just sit on the sidelines.. hoping I'm not doing anything wrong.. =P Nah, I'm just kidding.. I'm just feeling lazy lately.. fuggit.. =) 


/Gotta keep in mind here, things work backwards around here, so.. if you make a sensible comment.. we'll have to take the opposite approach! Just like cleaning the floor.... we mop first... then sweep it..hahaha.. =P 

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