[wp-forums] help with a thread

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 02:06:36 GMT 2006

[Petit wrote>
I know Podz stepped in here and gave the bstrd a small lesson, and I know I'm late in giving this opinion, but I think this thread doesn't add any light to the mysteries of managing WordPress, and so could easily be scrapped. This of course is not the normal way to go, but the behavior of this guy may make newcomers to believe, this is the normal tone of the forum. Harmful, do you think?]

Well..from the point of view, of an expected, normal approach about this issue.. I'd say, his comment(s) should be deleted.. OR, the thread edited maybe.. to keep the original thread going as it should have been.. (as per the rules) but.. whatever

Now, from another point of view.. which seems to be the way around here.. IMHO, .. let it be.. it's been handled already..hahaha..  ;) =P


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