[wp-forums] Did I Miss something?

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 08:42:23 GMT 2006

>I know I've been MIA the past month, but I've tried to keep up on the mailing list.  Did I miss the discussion about resurrecting old posts with no responses and then closing them?  It seems like a giant waste of time, not to mention it is cluttering the recent posts page.  I don't know how long this has been happening, but it seems that it will also push pertinent posts off the page, possibly causing users to bump their post.
> ~miklb

The older "no-replies" that are of some use yet, I've been bumping and closing.. to keep people from replying on them, being that the information is still there and usable for the most part.. 

The newer posts, on the Latest Discussion section, will get answered then, of course.. ;)  There's some that I'm just not sure about, helping with per se.. So, I leave them alone, till a moderator that knows of that problem/issue comes along.. and helps that person..

I've been trying to clean up the "crap" no-replies lately.. because there is ALOT of stuff in there, that is like this thread here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/13514?replies=1

Also, there is some that have the original poster's post, not there.. and just one person's reply.. to the O.P. Which doesn't make sense.. but, I've been deleting the CRAP.. that's in there.. They don't help anyone anyway.. 

Basically.. the plan is.. to turn the 300 some pages of still relevant no-replies... into relevant pages of useful, or helpful stuff.. and keeping crap threads, like I mentioned above.. doesn't help anyone.. 

Sometimes while I did searches.. I thought I had found a thread with an answer.... only to find out.. there was "no-replies" to it.. sigh.. But, yeah.. I'd like to see 300 pages of "No-replies".. even if it's older or not.. turn into 300 pages of useful stuff.. 

Of course.. me bumping up the old stuff, don't help those on the Latest Discussion page... but, of course.. they will be noticed then.. This has been going on.. during my Eastern time.. which is 3:38am now for me... while the other moderators are not really on there doing anything.. and also.. there isn't too many NEWER stuff going on either.. really.. and if there is some.. I try and help, while in the middle of doing the stuff.. I'm doing there.. 

Of course.. this isn't every night.. just when I'm in the mood.. =P  I'm not trying to "piss" people off of course.. just trying to get rid of the crap posts.. like the link I gave above and mentioned above... and also bumping old stuff, out of the "no-replies" section... to keep that section open and clean with NEWER more recent "no-replies" threads.. 

Anyway.. I hope this is and will be ok? 


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