[wp-forums] Forums and akismet spam again

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 14:45:04 GMT 2006

I'll be brief.  two items.  One an issue, the other a request:

1)  This guy fell back into the "every post is spam" trap again:
http://wordpress.org/support/profile/37649   Mentioned him a few weeks ago
and all was good until friday or so.

2)  Would it be possible to add the ability to delete a post from the Admin
Content -> Akismet Spam page for mods and above?  If you look right now
you'll see that some knucklehead entered his post approx 8 times.  All of
them flagged as spam.  Now, if *I* unspam one, and another mod wandered by
and forgets to check his profile and unspams another, he'll get hollered at
by a 3rd admin for dupes!  (Yes, this has happened in the past week or so.
No, I don't recall the poster).  It would be cool in a deal like that if we
could un-spam one and delete the others.  Or delete the out-and-out spam for
that matter.

I'm assuming I'm not the only one checking the askimet traps.  One thing I
do before unspamming is check the posters profile quick to see if I'm just
looking at a dupe.

Thoughts on 2?

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