[wp-forums] No replies abound

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 18:47:32 GMT 2006

On 10/7/06, spencerp <spencerp1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >Try this exercise (and no, honest, I'm not picking on you!)  As you
> re-read what you just wrote, ask yourself "How does this benefit someone
> coming to the forums seeking help?"
> It's cool my brother handy lol. Um, I'm see it as.. they aren't going to
> get any help per se anyway.. from a NO-REPLY thread...how will a nOOb get
> help from a thread, by someone else.. posting a question.. but with no
> "answer"?

How will  spending time removing it help them?  It doesn't.  Thus, my
argument is to spend the time where it WILL help them.

Yes, they could possibly add on their question, or add a "bump" to it..
> but.. the "help/answer" to their questions aren't going to be there though..
> But, IMHO, would be simpler for them to just post a new thread for
> themselves.. =/

Read my previous statement.

Maybe I'm overlooking your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions? Maybe if ya
> explained it a little better, on, "How does this benefit someone coming to
> the forums seeking help?" ? =P

Yep.  You are.  But I've learned that I apparently don't convey my thoughts
well in this list.  Dunno why.

So, try again:  You want to spend money (time = money, right?) making
changes to the forums.  You have limited resources to spend.  Do you:

1) Make the volunteers happier by giving them smaller lists?  Spend time
cleaning out old posts and such.


2) Make improvements aimed at helping the newbies find answers to their

You have limited resources.  Who do you want to focus on:  Volunteers or

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