[wp-forums] No replies abound

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 19:09:21 GMT 2006

>Often ( when I'm in the forum ), I go for "No replies", and I was alway curious as to how many of them get replies at all. Now, as the paging works You can find 410 pages with "No reply" entries, the earliest with a freshness of 3 years.
> Should we hide NR entries older than xx years/months, assuming they are resolved somehow or will never be ;) ?
> /Petit

IMHO, I think after a  X amount of years, months, or days, that have gone by.. I'd remove them.. some how do a massive DELETE via the database, or bbpress admin section itself.. but, that's just me.. lol. =P


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