[wp-forums] Re: wp-forums Question about permissions

Yosemite yosemite at samdevol.com
Wed Oct 4 20:10:40 GMT 2006

> Of course, the first time she goes to upload something, she gets that 
> error message about not getting access to the folder, which means her 
> permissions are not set correctly on the wp-contents folder.  The 
> thing is, it's set at 755 - which hasn't been a problem for editing 
> files through the damin panel.  The only way she can upload images is 
> to set the wp-content folder at 777 - which I've told her is a major 
> security risk to change it to that and leave it.
> ~Shelly 
The wp-content/ folder should only be 777 long enough (and if necessary) 
for the creation of the /wp-content/uploads folder. Then it can go right 
back to 755. When the uploads folder is successfully created by WP (and 
not by FTP) it will have the same user/group used by the image uploading 
feature (the server sees all script processes as loose cannons and 
assigns them limited user/group rights), and then the permission issues 
'should' not rear their ugly head. In an ideal world. Hopefully. bleh. 
If someone has manually created uploads/ then you're mixing owners and 
all hell breaks loose (not really, but then you get into having to make 
uploads/ and the folders below 777).

A big component in this issue is really who owns the directory/files and 
whether that is 'who' is trying to write them.

At this point I light candles and chant in gratitude for a host that 
runs suexec ;')


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