[wp-forums] Themespress.com

petit at petitpub.com petit at petitpub.com
Wed Oct 4 19:36:55 GMT 2006

spencerp <spencerp1 at gmail.com>: says:

>> Seen this thing?  http://www.themespress.com/
>> Just tossing the link here in the event we catch some unusual support posts.
> Nah, first time seeing that for me... well, I guess that's because 
> I'm always busy with other crap, & don't have any spencerp time... 
> for the life of me.. =P
> That is nice though.!! I'll check it out more later.. time for 
> offline duties.. later peoples! =)
> spencerp
Yeah, it looks nice, and if it really works, it's well worth th $10 for 
a theme.
The menu buttons on the site itself disappeared when hoovering and then killed
my browser MSIE 6.026.

Oh, by the way. Thought i'd be back in the forum by now, but unexpected duty
calls. I still ike to be with you ;)

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