[wp-forums] Please read! Inregards to Install4free.. devs, podz, anyone!

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 15:00:57 GMT 2006

On 10/3/06, Michael E. Hancock <mhancock at us.net> wrote:
> From: "spencerp" <spencerp1 at gmail.com>
> > To tell ya the truth Michael, it might even be better to just delete the
> comments, once one of "us/installers" tag them? =)
> > Once one of us do this:
> > spencerp comments: spencerp has contacted user and is awaiting a
> response. - UTC 2006-10-03 06:56:00 am
> > We should delete it, being that.. since we are keep track of our own
> stuff, on our computers and so forth.. no sense in keeping it there, in
> the
> moderation queue page..
> > After all, what's it really going to do, to post back the results of the
> install, if we are deleting them anyway..? My as well just add the results
> of the install, to the txt file then.. ;) =)
> I'm not as organized, so I just leave the comment there to keep reminding
> me
> who've I contacted.  But I'd say delete your 'claimed' comments anytime
> you
> want.


I'd suggest leaving the "claimed" comment there until done.  Helps if you
get hit by a bus or abruptly quit.

And somewhere I saw notice about keeping folks info around after you're
done?  OMG, don't do that.  If people learn that you're keeping a text file
at home with their logon info... well, folks will holler.  Once the install
is done, I can't see any reason to keep someone's info.  We're not their
private support; just their installer.

Just my 2 bits.  Honest, I still hope to help out soon!

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