[wp-forums] Monitoring Akismet

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 02:46:07 GMT 2006

I've spent over an hour a day for the last 4 days un-Akismet'ing valid

Posts from active volunteers have been common.

Not to waste my breath uttering ultimatums into the vacuum here... but dang
it, I'm wasting time marking spam as "Spam" and UNspamming valid posts.  The
damned thing is, on the ends of the bell-curve, completely backwards.

On 11/28/06, Kaf Oseo <kaf at szub.net> wrote:
> This reply (pre-EDIT):
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/95719#post-479009
> And this reply:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/95699#post-479005
> Were both immediately marked as spam by Akismet. These two replies:
> A. Were written by me.
> B. The 'me' in this case is a moderator.
> C. Link to sites which under only the worst of analysis would be
>     something a spam tool should flag.
> Elements of these two replies which point at something are, they both
> contain a single sentence, then end with a url.
> If my word processor ate the occasional paragraph of mine because of
> how I composed it, I wouldn't change the way I write. I'd get a better
> word processor.
> -Kaf
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