[wp-forums] I'm back!!!

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 04:52:52 GMT 2006

[Replying to myself>
>Whatever.. maybe I should just go back to using MT again, it wouldn't take me long to put it up again.. LOL! Maybe be a support person for them.. who knows!! 
> Or, see if I can still have my moderator status for the Lycos >Message boards.. which I was granted years ago.. which I >couldn't do, because of taking care of my first son then.. I >dunno though.. whatever..

Nah, I WOULD NOT switch to MT (even though some might not care if I do or not, which is fine lol), and try to become a support person for them. Lycos however.. isn't really bad..  however.. I seriously got a lot of my own stuff to tend too... Like my new domain name .. which, SOME SPECIAL PEOPLE know of..  ;) =) 

I was really going to use that, as my profile link.. and still plan on doing then.. once I get things on the roll with it lol.. ;) =)  

[Petit wrote>
So you screwed up and got bashed.
It's not funny, and it gets you sad and a bit p'd, no doubt.
Take a deep breath and a pause, and after that maybe you'll consider coming back to the support forum. You did a great job, when in the mode.

Mod or not, take care!

Thanks Petit for those kind words.. I will be back to the forums then..  like you said, I need to take a few deep breaths first.. and maybe try to work on my own stuff for a bit.. ;) =) 

I'm so far behind on my own things, it's not funny sigh. =(  I still love everyone in the WP community.. mod or not.. ;) =)  I guess it's just been a sign lately.. with me going to prison, and these things happening to me, in various ways.. is a sign to get my own stuff right.. and to get back on track..  ;) =) 

Thanks again for the kind words.. and again to everyone.. sorry about that goof up.. I will continue to help in the forums for sure!  Later peoples.. 


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