[wp-forums] Hi There!

Shelly foolish.visions at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 16:09:36 GMT 2006

 >>So how's everyone doing?
 > >
 > > -Kaf<<

I have a headache :)

I'm trying to complete two Wordpress-as-CMS sites that I just got last 
Friday, and I *must* have completed and live by Thanksgiving Day.  I 
dont' want to work that week, so I'm trying to have it done by this 
weekend. (Both of them also need ZenCart customized to fit the site too!)

On top of that, *somehow* I have been called some kind of "Wordpress 
Expert" (don't ask me how this happened.  *I* certainly didn't say this. 
  I don't know who did.) and I have three potential clients (as of 
yesterday) knocking on my door to do sites for them, as well.  I've been 
getting requests about 1 a day...if this keeps up, I'll definitely 
become my husband's dream: his "Sugar Mama".

I don't know how I'm ever going to find time to redo *my own* website - 
which sorely needs updating.

Me, I'd be happy with just 2 more hours of sleep.  This time-change 
thing *sucks*.

A busy chick is a happy chick!  (as long as she has lots of coffee and 
tries to forget that she used to smoke and could take it up again 
*easily*...man, sometimes I seriously miss those happy little smoky treats!)


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