[wp-forums] Stickies

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Thu Nov 2 12:19:13 GMT 2006

spencerp wrote:
>> What's the word on managing stickies in the forums? I'd like to do some culling, but I'm not sure if I'd be stepping on toes here.
>> (Not that I'm averse to toe stepping. Sometimes it's necessary!)
>> For example:
>> Themes and Templates has two stickies mentioning the "new" Theme Viewer. It *is* a very cool site now, but two? Also, How-To and Troubleshooting have two, both dealing with forum rules of a sort.
>> So, any concerns if I start de-stickying a few redundant topics?
> I don't see a problem with it either, however.. this one:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/68664?replies=6
> Seems to be the "main" one for the Forum Rules.. which I've also re-edited. I had taken some original "replies/questions" by the users, then added the "answer" given by the moderator up above in the actual first post by Podz. So it was basically a combo of the "questions/answers" from replies.. added up in the actual post of Podz.. 
> The only thing that wasn't done up yet, was "how-to" on making new threads.. Which I was going to work on next, but just didn't get to it yet sigh. Also, was thinking that was more along the lines of, going under a "FAQ" section, rather then the "Rules".. ya know.. ?
> Just wanted to throw that out, and again.. I don't have any objections either.. ;) =)
> spencerp
Kaf: No objection on my part either.
For the main support entry page http://wordpress.org/support/, the Forum 
Rules sticky is fine,
but I still think it shouldn't be a sticky under the LATEST DISCUSSION 

For newcomers to read it, it should be placed as a link right under the 
tag cloud - IMHO of course ;)

Spencerp: I agree that some stuff could be lifted out into a "Forums FAQ".
However, there is also a Forum Rules 
<http://codex.wordpress.org/User:Skippy/Forum_Rules> by Skippy in the CODEX.
How do we coordinate that with the ( so far ) sticky?
Should we skip the Skippy one ( pun intended ), or give it a prominent 
link on the entry page?


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