[wp-forums] Stickies

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 05:42:06 GMT 2006

no objections here.

On 11/2/06, Kaf Oseo <kaf at szub.net> wrote:
> What's the word on managing stickies in the forums? I'd like to do some
> culling, but I'm not sure if I'd be stepping on toes here.
> (Not that I'm averse to toe stepping. Sometimes it's necessary!)
> For example:
> Themes and Templates has two stickies mentioning the "new" Theme Viewer.
> It *is* a very cool site now, but two? Also, How-To and Troubleshooting
> have two, both dealing with forum rules of a sort.
> So, any concerns if I start de-stickying a few redundant topics?
> -Kaf
> P.S. I'm planning a resource post to act as a sticky for the Plugins and
> Hacks forum and a similar one for Themes and Templates. Beyond the basic
> Codex stuff etc., let me know if you have a particularly useful link you
> regularly point members to.
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