[wp-forums] Exploit report

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Fri May 26 19:42:52 GMT 2006

It maybe nothing or it may be dangerous.
Hopefully some hard core tester checks this out fast.
Would be nice if we could avoid the tornado of rumors this time ;)

Strangely enough there are lots of articles about a 'hackers' group with 
that name
breaking into high security systems. They are all from 1998/99 or refers 
back to that time.

Teenagers coming clean ? ;)

TechGnome wrote:
> Ack, jeezzes... I'm deleting the thread... it's starting to get replies.
> -tg
> Podz wrote:
>> TechGnome wrote:
>>> Broke it.... but should we remove it, close the thread and/or possibly
>>> delete it? Don't want to sound like chicken little here, but we also
>>> want to be cautious until we know the true extent of the allegation.
>> It's been seen by at least 1 of the right people.
>> P.

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