[wp-forums] Exploit report

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Fri May 26 19:09:01 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> Broke it.... but should we remove it, close the thread and/or possibly 
> delete it? Don't want to sound like chicken little here, but we also 
> want to be cautious until we know the true extent of the allegation.
> -tg
Yes - kill it and replace with a message that the possible exploit is 
checked by security personnel.
The link goes directly to a PHP file, which you ca easily load in a browser.
It contains some explanation of the vulnerability, if there really is one.
Clicking such a link is no danger per se, but spreading the word might be.

> Les Bessant wrote:
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/73845?replies=2#post-385157
>> Probably worth someone breaking that link, in case it is real.
>>   _____ 
>> Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
>> Losing it[1] <http://lcb.me.uk/losingit/>

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