[wp-forums] Getting closer

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Fri May 19 20:16:18 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> WARNING: lengthy posting. My mind tends to wander sometimes.... I 
> really need to get a leash for it.
> Not too shabby.... a couple of comments.
> 1) Who will this go to? Is there going to be a wp-install mailing 
> group that this gets sent to? Or will the data go into a database? Or 
> has that part even been thought out? Or am I ahead of things?
> 2) I'd change the "CC myself" to something along the lines of "Send 
> myself a copy" It's clearer about what that option does.
> It looks like I might have some free time this weekend, since no one 
> else has volunteered to set up the registration/contact/help me 
> page(s).... I'd like to take a stab at this. My PHP skills aren't 
> anything to write home about, but I have done some and think I can 
> hack something together. I'm thinking we need the following kinds of 
> pages (as far as user input goes):
> 1) a registration page where the user can enter their info and get 
> into the queue.
> 2) a contact page where questions can be submitted - an FAQ could be 
> built off of this at a later time
> 3) a status page where the user can login and see where they are at in 
> the queue, and possibly answer questions from the installer.
> 4) an admin page where the installers and other admins can monitor the 
> site - confirm requests, deny requests, update status, assign 
> requests, view the queue, etc.
> A thought just occurred to me. what does everyone think about using 
> the site as the communication tool, rather than direct emails? Emails 
> would still be generated, but instead of the installer sending email 
> directly to the user, the site would do it instead. And vice-versa 
> too. Then once a request has been closed, the site would not allow 
> emails to be sent through. This would prevent the user from coming 
> back to the installer in six weeks going, hey could also do this... 
> and that, and this other thing too? - just a thought-
> -tg
Looks usable to me.
On the installer to requester question, I think email communication on a 
one to one basis would make the latter a nice and cozy feeling of of 
I'ts faster and allows for sloppy back and forth chat during the install 
process, which I'm sure will take place in some cases.

> Podz wrote:
>> There seems to be a collective deafness elsewhere....
>> How about this ?
>> http://www.tamba2.org.uk/install/?page_id=6
>> We mail them back with what they have asked. It's as good as anything 
>> else isn't it? They know what they have typed and we know too...
>> We need the 'agreed to..' bit doing and if someone could kindly 
>> advise how to make the plugin auto-cc (do that invisibly?) 
>> (http://www.phrixus.co.uk/pxsmail/) then that would be cool.
>> So ...... if that page - and the one that follows - feel free to send 
>> me info which I shall bounce back to you - looks okay - be critical 
>> (nicely) - is it good to go with? If not, why and what should we add?
>> P.
> On the form I think the Subject field should be non editable. That way 
> it's not open for jokes or extraneous info and easily filtered into 
> the correct box.

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