[wp-forums] the free thing again

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Thu May 18 22:06:27 GMT 2006

After seeing this thread: 
http://wordpress.org/support/topic/72950?replies=7 .....
Where does the following line fall?
"Install WordPress MultiUser (WP MU)"
Will Do or Will Not Do?


Podz wrote:
> I've posted this to the hackers list:
> "On the forums list we are working toward a Free Installation service.
> We have hit a stumbling block though and we need some code.
> The last part of the process for a person using this (which is a 
> standard blog) will be a form.
> The contact form plugin will do the job but we need 3 additions:
> 1 - that WP generates a number, shows the number to the person and 
> then when the form is submitted that number comes through to us. This 
> will be the PIN for authentication.
> 2 - a check box that indicates they have read everything, agree with 
> it all etc.
> 3 - And the appropriate error messages should anything be missing.
> I'm aware that the collective minds here may think another method is 
> better - and that may be the case - but right now the above would be 
> great. We tend to not be that good with code on the forums list though 
> so any help offered would be really great.
> You could email me or post to the wp-forums list.
> Podz "
> Hopefully we'll get someone helping out....
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