[wp-forums] A threat received

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed May 17 18:58:19 GMT 2006

Handy wrote:
> Of for suck -- that bites.  Clueless Hosts thread sounds fun and a also
> sounds like it would turn into a "no they don't" - "yes they do" flame
> fest...

Yup... exactly why it does not need starting.
I'm fairly confident that of all the code that needed tightening over 
the life of WP that a webhost has (1) never found such a hole (2) never 
proven a claim of theirs. That means a webhost has not yet - in 
thousands of users - made a correct claim.

"If your host genuinely believes that WordPress has a vulnerability that 
they have discovered they owe it to the wider community to submit that 
information - without delay - to security at wordpress.org. Until then, 
it's entirely their problem."

Or something like that is what I'm happy to use.....


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