[wp-forums] SEO

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon May 15 18:26:09 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
> Sorry, you guys know me. An SEO thread pops up and I can't help myself. LOL
> I won't mind if you destroy the thread, close it, or whatever... I just had
> to say something.  
> ~ Lara
That's for sure :D

However, as I see it, there's only one really good advice to get high 
rankings in the lon run.
"Write good stuff and write often." ( I know I don't enough)
The trhead could be closed with such an advice and the comment that 
anyone could search the web for SEO.
Bad advice abound!

Nuke and burn ;)

> -----Original Message-----
>> On 5/15/2006 9:24:23 AM, Podz (podz at tamba2.org.uk) wrote:
>>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/42196?replies=15
>>> "I know squat about SEO but if I make up 5 lines of junk and post it 
>>> I'll get traffic and clicks and .. <insert garbage> and ..<more of 
>>> the
>>> same>"
>>> Thoughts about what we do with such obvious junk?
>>> I know what I'd do - nuke the thread.
>>> P.

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